The season of hustle and bustle has arrived! Are you ready for the endless assortment of treats that will be filling the breakroom at work? How about the many nights of holiday shopping and parties? If you’re feeling intimidated—don’t stress—we’ve put together some tips to help you tackle the holidays while still targeting your goals. 

Stock Up On (Healthier) Grab & Go Snacks

Having the right foods available when hunger hits is key, but don’t beat yourself up if your busy schedule has taken away from your typical meal prep time. Instead, call on the help of convenient foods. 

If you don’t have the time to buy, clean and chop fresh veggies, buy them ready-to-eat. Pick up a large vegetable tray and keep it in the refrigerator to make it easy to grab and eat. Another good tip is to keep a bowl of grab-and-go fruits like apples, oranges, tangerines and bananas on the countertop at all times. 

Also, have a container of your favourite protein on hand so you can whip up a quick protein-packed smoothie so that you have something to fill up on as you run out the door.

Keep Hunger In Check

Feeling hungry can be overwhelming—and it may lead you to make the wrong food choices. To help manage hunger, make sure to include protein and fiber-rich foods at each meal. Research shows that dietary protein promotes satiety and is more effective at controlling food intake as compared to carbohydrates and fat. Dietary fiber is also known to increase your feeling of fullness and satiety, so you eat less and wait longer between meals. If high-fiber foods aren’t your thing, you can also include a dietary supplement that’s been formulated to include fibrous ingredients. This way you can spend your holiday enjoying time with friends and family, not worrying about over-eating. 

Fit In Fitness

The holidays are a busy time of year, and that can make going to the gym seem impossible. Rather than eliminating your workout, look for other opportunities to fit in fitness. If you have home workout equipment, hop on the elliptical or treadmill for a quick half hour sweat session, and invest in a home exercise video that uses dumbbells or bands to lead you through a resistance training workout. You can also put some extra pep in your step while doing your holiday shopping! 

Pay Attention To Portion Sizes

Having a small piece of cake won’t get in the way of your goals, but eating the entire cake can! Delicious foods are a big part of the holidays and you should enjoy yourself. Rather than deny yourself of your favorite treats, pay attention to your portions. Be selective with your choices and set limits on how much you eat. Split the cookie or piece of cake with a friend, or eat one half of it and save the rest for another day. 

Include Supplements For Added Support

Supplements alone aren’t magic potions, but certain ones have been studied and shown to provide support in managing hunger, and aid in body weight and body composition goals. Ingredients like conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and L-carnitine play a role in metabolism, while caffeine has thermogenic properties to fuel calorie burn. In fact, some supplements are specifically designed to support weight loss goals. GNC Total Lean® Burn 60, for example, is formulated to support healthy weight management goals and provide convenient daily energy support.

Take It Easy On Yourself

There's a lot of power in positive thinking, especially when it comes to reaching your goals. If you want to be successful, you have to have confidence. That’s where positive self-talk comes into play. Despite what your day, week or month has in store, remind yourself that you are in control of your choices and can be successful at whatever you set your mind to. 

By putting all of these tips into practice, you’ll enjoy the holiday season having fun and feeling fabulous!